Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as head of state as Führer und Reichskanzler from 1934 to 1945. Hitler is most remembered for his central leadership role in the rise of fascism in Europe, World War II and The Holocaust.

Hitler gained power in a Germany facing crises after World War I. He used charismatic oratory and propaganda, appealing to economic need, nationalism and anti-Semitism to establish an authoritarian regime. With a restructured economy and rearmed military, Hitler pursued an aggressive foreign policy with the intention of expanding German Lebensraum and triggered World War II. At the height of their power, Germany and the Axis Powers occupied much of Europe, but they eventually were defeated by the Allies. By then, Hitler's racial policies had culminated in the genocide of 11 million people, including about 6 million Jews, in what is now known as the Holocaust.
      In the final days of the war, Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker in Berlin, together with his newly wed wife, Eva Braun. The Third Reich which he proclaimed would last a thousand years, collapsed in only twelve. Adolf Hitler took over a decrepit postwar Germany and turned it into one of the most powerful countries in Europe. For, in spite of all the harm and damage that was done in his term, what Hitler did to Germany in less than six years was highly appreciated by most Germans. Under the swastika, Germany was unified.

         What Hitler had been unable to achieve through force, he accomplished through ballot. The election of 1932 gave the Nazi Party control of the Reichstag, and the following year, the former army caporal Adolf Hitler, become the chancellor of Germany.
         Once in power, Hitler quickly established himself as a popular leader through his personal charm and as an absolute dictator, murdering or imprisoning all of those who dared to stand against him. He blatantly violated the world War I armistice condition bye rearming Germany, an action which gave him a strong military, provided sufficient jobs, and boosted the German economy. Hitler, who considered himself a veteran of frontline soldiers, disdained the titled military elites, whom he blamed for defeat in World War I, and replaced them with his own favorites.
         Militarily, Hitler was extremely well read, with and excellent grasp of the emerging concept of armor and maneuver warfare. He funded the building of the Panzer Corps and other weaponry to make blitzkrieg warfare a reality. Although Hitler readily adopted new technology and understood the importance of mass and surprise in modern warfare, he was, overall, a poor military commander. He did not pay heed to advice of his experienced subordinated and on occasion sacrificed his service personnel and endangered the civilian population for no apparent reason.

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